Deniz Factoring provides its clients with a unique model in receivables financing through its supplier financing solution.
Supplier Financing Options
Deniz Factoring provides its clients with a unique model in receivables financing through its supplier financing solution.
Who can benefit from supplier financing?
Creditors of institutions with debtors possessing a strong financial structure.
How does supplier financing provide an advantage to our company?
This solution enables you to convert your receivables into cash more affordably and quickly.
Is it possible to conduct a transaction using only an invoice?
Certainly. If the debtor consents to make the payment to Deniz Factoring, you can proceed with the transaction.
What documents need signing?
The ABF (Receivable Notification Form) and check/note deposit slip.
What company documents are required?
The list of documents belonging to the company, photocopies of joint identity cards, entry in the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette, Certificate of Activity, and signature circular.
How can I benefit from supplier financing?
Contact our Marketing Department on 0 212 348 9200 to find out.